Literacy » Literacy Home Page

Literacy Home Page

What is Literacy?
Literacy refers to the ability to read, write, speak, listen, and view. It is a basic skill that allows individuals to comprehend and communicate through written and oral language.
Why is Literacy important?
Being able to read and write is really important. It helps you communicate well, understand things better, and access information. When people can use these literacy skills, it makes societies stronger and more informed, and it lets everyone take part in important activities, like work and community life.
What does the literacy journey look like in each grade?
Students learn to love books, recognize letters and sounds, and start to read. They develop their oral language and respond to questions orally.  Students learn to write simple words and compose simple sentences.
Kindergarten Parent Road Map - English and Spanish
Grade 1
Students learn to read simple words and sentences.  They start to answer simple recall questions like who, what, when, where, and why. They begin to express ideas in their writing using basic punctuation. 
Grade 1 Parent Road Map - English and Spanish
Grade 2 
Students learn to read more complex words and sentences.  When reading, they start to develop deep connections to the text.  In writing, they will produce multiple sentences focusing on one topic.
Grade 2 Parent Road Map - English and Spanish
Grade 3
Students learn how to read more complex words by understanding their word parts (prefixes, root words, and suffixes).  In reading text, students develop deeper connections and analyze what is written. Students begin to write using multiple paragraphs. 
Grade 3 Parent Road Map - English and Spanish
Grade 4
Students learn word parts and word origins to read new words in several content areas. They will read various texts on the same topic to develop a deeper understanding.  Students continue writing using multiple paragraphs.
Grade 4 Parent Road Map - English and Spanish
Grade 5
Students continue to learn word parts and word origins.  They will continue to read multiple texts on the same topic to analyze and interpret what is written.  Students continue writing using multiple paragraphs and increasing their use of content vocabulary. 
Grade 5 Parent Road Map - English and Spanish
Grade 6
Literacy involves reading and viewing varied materials with depth, understanding complex concepts, and expressing those ideas through writing.  Students will learn how to write for different purposes and audiences.
Grade 6 Parent Road Map - English and Spanish
Grade 7
Literacy is about reading different stories in various multimedia formats while analyzing and interpreting what is being communicated.  Students use evidence and an interpretation of what is read to produce a comprehensive written piece.
Grade 7 Parent Road Map - English and Spanish
Grade 8
Literacy is about reading different texts in multimedia formats to understand theme while continuing to analyze and interpret what is being communicated.  Students will continue to use evidence and interpretation of what is read to produce a comprehensive written piece.
Grade 8 Parent Road Map - English and Spanish
Grade 9
Literacy involves reading diverse texts, analyzing them critically, and expressing subtle ideas through advanced writing. Students are learning how to pull all literacy skills together to become an effective communicator.
HS Parent Road Map - English and Spanish
Grade 10
Literacy means skillful reading, thinking critically about texts, and expressing complex ideas through oral and written communication. 
HS Parent Road Map - English and Spanish
Grade 11
Literacy involves preparing students for post high school experiences.  It includes critical thinking and interpretation of varied texts while being able to communicate their point of view.  Students will express their ideas through oral or written products.  
HS Parent Road Map - English and Spanish
Grade 12
Literacy means skillfully reading, analyzing diverse texts in multimedia formats, while expressing highly nuanced ideas through writing and oral communication. Students will be functional communicators using the literacy skills developed through their school career.
HS Parent Road Map - English and Spanish